tisdag 13 mars 2012

Make a Website - Three Things You Must Do If You Want to Make a Website That Sells

Most website fail. Most websites don't get seen on the search engines. Most websites don't sell a thing nor make a penny.

It is often said that that over 99% of all websites get hardly any visitors, and even fewer manage to sell any products or make any money. Many people and owners of small businesses have found out to their cost, sometimes after spending several thousand pounds or dollars with local website design companies, that it was all to no avail. Their new website, even with all the bells and whistles, just did not perform. It did nor get any useful traffic, no buyers and it did not sell the product nor make a penny for them. This is all very disappointing of course. If you have a business website you want it to perform well for you. You want tons of visitors and you want to ship your products in large enough quantities to make it worth your while.

If you are a bit savvy and computer literate, which you obviously are because you are reading this website, you can create your own website from scratch and you can be assured of success. It is simple enough to make your own web site. You will obviously know how to construct your new web site on your chosen web site creator such as Microsoft FrontPage or Dreamweaver etc. You just read the manuals about page titles, descriptions, links etc, but what they don't tell you is how to make a website that sells your products.

If you want to sell products from your new web site, the are three crucial things you need to do in order to achieve the success you crave.

1/ Put yourself in the shoes of your would be buyers.

You need to know exactly what search terms your potential customers are typing into Google, Yahoo and Bing to find your web site. There will be possibly dozens of relevant key words people will use to get to your web site, many of them will be 'long tail keywords', that is to say search terms that contain four, five, six or even more words in the search term. There is quite an art in winkling out these search terms. Go to the 'Google Keyword Tool' and start by inserting what you think might be the most relevant search term for your products. Be prepared to spend hours and hours at the keyword tool before you can finally be sure you know all the terms associated with your products.

2/ Make sure you optimize your website so it is seen at the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

In order to get tons of targeted visitors and therefore buyers to your website, you need to fully optimize your website so you get high, top page listings on all the major search engines. It is crucial you weave these search terms into the page title, description. body text and the blue links to other pages on your site and or websites.

3/ Write your web pages to encourage potential customers to phone you, send an email or click the 'Add to Cart' button.

All too often, visitors land on a web site and are put off by what they see. Make it clear at the top of your page what the product is all about. Ideally the visitor should read the search term they typed into the search engine at the top of the page. Give the visitors the information they would expect to see on the page. If your product is the sort that buyers would want to discuss before purchasing, write something like this 'For more information, or to buy this product please phone Joe Bloggs on 1234 56789' etc

This is all very doable, even if you you are a beginner, There is much more to making a successful website, there is quite a learning curve and you can't expect overnight success, but if you follow my advice you will learn how to make a website that sells.

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